
Wapple Mobilizes MDA Site

Wapple has mobilized the content on the Mobile Data Association’s (MDA) website. Mobile users accessing the MDA site are now automatically delivered content that is optimized for their mobile browser.
The MDA website is powered by the Joomla content management system. Through the Wapple Architect Joomla plug-in, images are automatically resized, and navigation, along with the look and feel of the website, is appropriately arranged for mobile consumption.
In addition, the MDA blog, which is part of the main website, is updated and tailored to mobile through Wapple Architect’s Wordpress plug-in, which works in the same way as the one built for Joomla. The Joomla and Wordpress plug-ins also retain all web URLs, so that only a single domain needs to be promoted and Google only has to spider a single set of website addresses.
Wapple Architect was launched in April this year to allow developers to mobilize existing web content using the WAPL programming language, and optimize it for all mobile devices and browsers, using the Architect API. Wapple says the API has seen a huge upturn in usage, since hundreds of individuals have downloaded and installed the promoted plug-ins for Joomla, Wordpress, CakePhp and PHP Classes.

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