
YOC new mobile marketing campaign with Fanta

From July to December mobile marketing company YOC will push a mobile campaign for Fanta.
The campaign will be called, “Handy leer – Fanta her!” (Need a top-up? Fanta is here).
Shortcode Campaign
The campaign pushes a Zero-Rated Shortcode (free) that will allow a free download of traffic such free minutes or SMS. The campaign in interoperable and will be available on Vodafone, T-Mobile and o2.

Bonus Codes will be placed in the cans on tops of Fanta. Users simply send the codes to a free short code number (24200) and benefit from 3 free voice minutes or 3 free SMS. The minutes will be credited within 72 hours. E-Plus consumers will not get the free minutes but will be sent free Fanta downloads and mobile content.

How much?
Every mobile phone number can participate up to 5 times per week.

What we think?
I am sure Ogilvy was doing a huge mobile advertising campaign with Fanta. It just goes to show how rapid the market is and how any mobile advertising company can win big contracts.

That being said, this is very cool. I love the concept of free voice minutes and it is a made for mobile campaign. Voice remains the killer and youth love to call and text. Pushing data and mobile content or WAP campaigns haven’t performed but I bet this will.
Related News:

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