
The iPhone Finally Gets Live Video Streaming With Ustream

The Ustream Live Broadcaster has just gone live in the App Store tonight and yes, it allows you to stream live video from the iPhone to the web. And yes, it even works over a 3G connection. And yes, it’s awesome. While one of the key features of the iPhone 3GS was video recording capabilities, that was limited to recordings that were captured on your device and could be uploaded to the web after they were done recording. With the Ustream Live Broadcaster, you can easily record videos right to the web, and allow others to watch them as they’re being recorded. These videos can also be archived so that people can watch them later, if they choose.

Settings within the app also make it easy to automatically tweet out when you go live, as well as to do things like share the videos on Facebook and YouTube. The live broadcast can also send out your location, if you’re into that sort of thing. The app also allows for chatting with viewers, and yes/no polling. Ustream has long promised that it would be the first to allow for live video streaming on the iPhone, and it looks like they’ve finally come through — though almost a year after we first wrote about it. They’ve had an iPhone app out for a while, but it hasn’t had live capabilities until now.Qik has had a live-streaming app, but it was only an ad-hoc app, meaning it wasn’t available in the App Store. Find the Ustream Live Broadcaster in the App Store here for free

LG Launches Mobile Marketing Campaign for Avatar

LG is partnering with Twentieth Century Fox and Lightstorm Entertainment to create an elaborate marketing campaign teeming with mobile components to help promote the much-hyped upcoming release of Avatar. Naturally, a high-gloss, CGI-intense adventure flick like Avatar warrants a similarly high-tech promotional campaign, and that’s exactly what LG is promising to deliver in time for the film’s premiere. In addition to a number of visually striking television ads, LG is also introducing an interactive micro site, www.lgexpo.com, which includes exclusive movie content and a wide variety of digital offerings from the movie, which opens December 18th.
Avatar, with its unique story brought to life by Titanic director James Cameron, involves human “drivers” who have their consciousness projected onto an avatar, which is a remotely-controlled biological body capable of surviving in an alien world.

Google Starts Pushing Local QR-Codes For Business Listings

Google has begun a massive mobile marketing campaign surrounding Place Pages, the small pages that display info for local businesses on Google Maps. What’s interesting is that the centerpiece for the campaign is the use of QR-Codes.

Google is starting things off by sending QR-code decals to some 190,000 local businesses across the US. Google determined the most searched for and most clicked local Place Pages for the initial run, though a full release is imminent. The idea is that local businesses can display the QR-code prominently in their store windows for customers to be able to scan and retrieve info back on that business. When scanned, the QR codes retrieve things like a map, phone number, directions, address, reviews, and a link to the store’s website, which begs the questions- why would someone need that information if they’re already standing in front of the business?

Ogilvy gives iPhone a white christmas

So who better to kick start the christmas holiday mobile marketing than Ogilvy. With a simple application that gives consumers a chance to experience a white christmas.This is fun and simple application that illustrates that you don't have to complicate an application in order for it to be fun for the consumers. If you want to play arround with the application you can download it fromhere. Christmas is the time to be creative and giving. With this application consumers can give a snowlike feeling to their pictures and also easily share it with friends. If you are an Android user, thanks to one of our readers, you can download the application from here.

Adidas Mobile campaign by Marvellous

Hats of to BeMarvellous and Neue Digitale/Razorfish for creating a cool video to a mobile application for mobile marketing campaign for Adidas using mobile internet, mobile application and image recognition. Not much points in me babbling of and spoiling the video. Have a look.


Steve Jobs Approves Knocking Live Video App Personally

Normally whingeing gets you nowhere, but in a heartening turn of events, a developer's late-night email shot off to Steve Jobs yielded some surprising results.
Apple didn't approve of the use of a private API in Pointy Heads Software's Knocking Live Video app, which allows iPhone users to stream live video to each other over 3G and Wi-Fi. After pleading to Steve Jobs to reconsider their verdict, Apple got back to developer Brian Meehan the next morning, promising that his request was being taken seriously.
Three hours later, with the order reportedly coming "directly from the top," the Knocking Live Video was available on the App Store, where you can download it for free now. Until Apple sticks a forward-facing camera on the iPhone, it's not ideal for video chat, but as Jesus pointed out in his rant yesterday, Apple's likely biding its time until it can smell the video chat competition. Meehan's gone public with his story, telling Ars Technica that "Apple told me they are listening, and truly care about their developers and getting it right," giving hope to developers railing against them on the Apple Rejected Me hate-site, and hope for anyone wishing to use a private API in an app. With Apple loosening its grip in this instance, we could be seeing a lot more interesting apps launching soon.


Layering data on top of smartphones and computer screens is both a fad and the future.

Why layering data on top of smartphones and computer screens is both a fad and the future. You wouldn't immediately suspect that Yelp's iPhone app might be a gift bestowed upon us by a benevolent superhero from the future. Load it up and the program's in its Clark Kent garb -- a useful-enough guide to local restaurants, bars, and merchants. Then you notice a button labeled monocle in the right-hand corner. Hit it and the screen displays a live feed from the phone's camera, showing exactly what's in front of you -- with one big difference. Aim the camera at a local storefront and Yelp superimposes a star rating on the image. Use Monocle in a hot neighborhood, for instance, and point it at every restaurant for a quick appraisal of the best food in the area. Yelp's app is one of the first "augmented reality," or AR, programs to debut on the iPhone, and though it can be handy, it's most useful as a sign of what's to come. Throughout the summer, YouTube was the place to see a vision of that future, as programmers from San Francisco to Malmö, Sweden, uploaded demonstration videos depicting such feats as recognizing a face at your high-school reunion while his social-networking pages pop up, or traveling back in time to view the Colosseum as it once existed. And then there are the really forward-thinking ideas. Babak Parviz, a bio-nanotechnologist at the University of Washington, has been working on augmented-reality contact lenses that would layer computer graphics on everything around us -- in other words, we'd have Terminator eyes. "We have a vast amount of data on the Web, but today we see it on a flat screen," says Michael Zöllner, an augmented-reality researcher at Germany's Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research. "It's only a small step to see all of it superimposed on our lives." Much of this sounds like a comic-book version of technology, and indeed, all of this buzz led the research firm Gartner to put AR on its "hype cycle" for emerging technologies -- well on its way to the "peak of inflated expectations."
Marketers are as much to blame as geeks for the overheated environment. To date, the most prominent AR practitioners have been ad agencies, and Best Buy, GE, and Procter & Gamble have run campaigns. Most of them, unsurprisingly, were more gimmicky than useful. The central questions: Will people take to this mode of navigating information in the same way they've embraced social networking? Or will augmented reality suffer the fate of online virtual worlds such as Second Life, which attracted a torrent of attention but proved too cumbersome? Whether augmented reality emerges through this hype cycle depends on both technologists and marketers to peel away the great expectations and find something real. Augmented reality isn't new. The technology has been used for years in military projects as well as public spectacles such as museum exhibits and trade-show booth demos. The yellow first-down line superimposed on televised football games is an example of augmented reality. So why all the chatter now? "There have been a couple of game-changing events," says Greg Davis, North American general manager of Total Immersion, a decade-old French company that built these first-generation AR installations. "Consumers have access to AR on their home PCs, and now on their mobile phones as well."
Although Apple still limits how far developers can go with AR -- in particular, the phone's programming system prohibits apps from performing sophisticated image analysis on input from the camera -- the new OS is expected to usher in a rush of augmented-reality apps.


Only 3 millon dollars for an Iphone! I want one!

If I had $3.2 million dollars to throw away on something like a phone, I’d much rather just build an army of robot carrier pigeons to deliver all my messages by hand. Some, I suppose, prefer a bit more rationale in their complete irrational purchases; thus the existence of this $3.2 million dollar iPhone.


Malibu rum branded app sees 2M downloads in six months

Pernod Ricard's Malibu branded mobile app sees 2M
The game
Pernod Ricard's Malibu branded mobile application that was created to support the launch of its new Malibu Island Melon flavor has seen 2 million downloads. GetJar acted as a distribution channel for Malibu Rum’s Island Bowling, which was developed by digital agency Greatworks to help shift brand perceptions of Malibu. “If you look at the brand values of Malibu and what they are promoting,  having a game aspect to it on a personal device is another way of extending brand attributes,” said Patrick Mork, vice president of marketing at GetJar, San Francisco. “You may play some games TV and you may see online and television ads, but the  idea is Malibu is even with you on your phone.”


Bus fares bought on mobile phones

BUS company Arriva has become the first operator in the North West to introduce mobile phone ticketing. Customers will be able to buy daily, weekly and four-weekly tickets via their mobile phones following the launch of Arriva’s m-ticketing service. It will enable passengers on Arriva’s routes in Bolton to use their mobile phones to purchase tickets and then display them to the driver. Phil Stone, managing director of Arriva North West, said: “The mobile phone is an essential part of modern life and m-tickets will give additional flexibility and convenience to our customers. “The launch of m-ticketing across all our regions will mean that millions of bus journeys will be taken using the technology. We believe this represents the largest introduction of its type in the world. “Customers can buy tickets using their phone at anytime from wherever they happen to be. It saves them searching out the cash to buy a ticket and speeds up getting on the bus as they simply show the ticket on the phone display to the driver.” He added: “This approach has great advantages over some other mobile ticketing systems as we can roll it out across our networks without any downtime for vehicles or costly on-board technology. We believe the convenience of having the ticket on the mobile will encourage more customers to take up our multi-journey tickets.” The m-ticketing service is a free application that is downloaded directly on to customers’ phones. Once downloaded, it allows people to purchase a range of tickets. Tickets can be bought either directly through the application via a registered card or by purchasing credit from any PayPoint outlet either by cash or card.
People using the m-ticketing service can save 10 per cent off Arriva four-weekly saver tickets.
The m-ticketing technology can be operated on any GPRS-enabled phone and mobile network. The service also works on Blackberry smartphones and from early 2010 will be iPhone compatible as well.


Be a Marvellous Royal Navy Engineer Officer

The UK Royal Navy has shown great interests in mobile marketing and I have been impressed with their campaigns ever since the did a great viral text campaign a year or two ago. Now, here is a new application from the guys at Marvellous.

The iphone application (download 
here) gives interested prospects the challenge of 5 interactive mission which can occur in a the daily life of an Navy Engineer Officer. In the video below Patrick Hagenaar from Marvellous walks you through some of the ideas behind the mobile campaign. Great and fun concept, however limited to iPhone users and UK market. I would like to see it at least on Android as well. 


Apple And Android Now Make Up 75 Percent Of U.S. Smartphone Web Traffic

When it comes to the mobile Web, increasingly there are only two mobile platforms which matter: Apple and Android. According to AdMob’s October, 2009 mobile metrics report, the iPhone/iPod Touch and Android phones accounted for 75 percent of mobile Web traffic in the U.S., as measured by all the mobile ad requests it tracks. That number is up from a combined 65 percent in September, 2009.
The iPhone is miles ahead of everyone else, but Android is quickly rising as a strong second. While Android phones managed to increase their share from 17 percent in September, 2009 to 20 percent in October, 2009, the iPhone and iPod Touch gained even more, going from 48 percent to 55 percent share. Meanwhile, during that same month the Blackberry ’s mobile Web traffic share went down from 14 percent to 12 percent, and Palm’s webOS shrank from 10 percent to 5 percent (Ouch).


Bionic Eye Resurfaces as Fire Fighter in new Augmented Reality Game for the iPhone

Presselite Launched a new AR game:

Our new project has been revealed today, we are very proud to announce a new Augmented Reality game called Firefighter 360 for the iPhone 3GS. We actually used our Augmented Reality engine developed for Bionic Eye application to create this little game. In this life-saving fire-person shooter, you play as a firefighter, rather than gunning down enemies, you will have to douse virtual flames spreading very fast in your real environment. As you physically turn around 360 degrees with your iPhone, you have to methodically extinguish the flames you see, thanks to the camera. The fire itself isn’t just a static “enemy” to be dealt with. Flames will propagate and spread if you don’t put them down completely, the fire itself is capable of doing you harm if you’re not careful.


Chicago’s Field Museum mobile campaign sees 7,000 interactions

Chicago’s Field Museum mobile campaign sees 7,000
Chicago’s Field Museum used mobile to transform its traditional marketing efforts to promote its Real Pirates exhibit. The Field Museum set up multiple keywords – SKULL, CROSS, PIRATE, GOLD – that consumers could text to a short code. The museum launched a mobile treasure hunt, pushed mobile pirate facts and engaged consumers through a text contest. The museum leveraged its Web site, voice mail and marketing materials to promote the mobile campaign and achieved 7,000-plus text interactions.
“LSN Mobile implemented a three-fold strategy for The Field Museum,” said David Spear, executive vice president of LSN Mobile, Atlanta. "The first part was to extend the exhibit beyond the four walls of the museum. The second was to spark engagement with younger audiences and lastly, deliver knowledge about the exhibit. “Real Pirates is a fascinating National Geographic discovery because it tells the story of the first authentic pirate ship, The Whydah, to be pulled from the ocean floor in U.S. waters,” he said. “The Field Museum marketers saw a unique opportunity to incorporate mobile marketing with the exhibit to drive additional interaction among audiences before, during and after visiting the museum. “To this end, Real Pirates would be able to stay top of mind with audiences beyond just the initial visit.” 
Mobile Pirates!
The mobile initiative marked the museum’s first foray into mobile. “With more than 7,000 mobile interactions, this was a huge success that spotlighted a new means of marketing for a venerable property like The Field Museum,” Mr. Spears said. “There is no doubt that you’ll see mobile become an integrated component of future museum marketing campaigns.” Signage encouraged consumers to text-in to become the first to receive the latest exhibition news, updates, special offers and chances to win exclusive pirate prizes through their mobile phones. “Mobile provided the perfect distribution channel for the museum marketers to deliver exhibit knowledge in a highly relevant manner,” Mr. Spear said.

Kodak enters mobile arena with iPhone app

Kodak enters mobile arena with iPhone app
Kodak's mobile strategy is beginning to bloom
Photography, imaging and printing giant Eastman Kodak Co. has gone mobile with the launch of the free Kodak Pic Flick application for Apple’s iPhone and iPod touch.
Developed in house, the application enables consumers to upload pictures to a Kodak W1020 Wireless Digital Frame or print them wirelessly on the Kodak ESP 5250 All-in-One WiFi-enabled printer. The application is designed to drive sales of those products and increase brand affinity. Last year Kodak launched a mobile ski resort guide within the snowstories.kodak.com campaign. This year they start to also introduce true value services for their existing products.
“A lot of our connectivity strategy has to do with releasing images and making them available in more than a digital way, and this app allows images captured via iPhone and iPod touch to be transferred to a printer or a Kodak digital photo frame,” said Ruben Tellez, San Diego-based worldwide senior product manager of inkjet products in the consumer digital group at Eastman Kodak.


Letterbox Deals catalog taps QR codes for mobile campaign

Letterbox Deals catalogue taps QR codes for mobile

Australian product coupon catalog Letterbox Deals ran a campaign to build awareness of its brand with Sydney households by giving away Dell notebook computers. 
Consumers had the option to enter a competition via a Web site or a QR code printed within the catalog. Of the 1.3 million Sydney households that received the Letterbox Deals catalog, 25 percent submitted their entry through the QR code. “The strategy of the campaign was to determine consumer behavior when confronted with new mobile technology and the effectiveness of a QR code as a call to action,” said Nick Gonios, commercial director of Inscribe, Sydney. Letterbox Deals is a coupon catalogue and Web site that helps consumers find coupons and deals on product and services near them. Insqribe is a real-time proximity mobile marketing platform using augmented reality and QR codes.


Official Specs for Motorola DROID

If you're interested in knowing the official specs of the Motorola DROID, I have rounded them up. The quick highlights:
  • 3.7-inch WVGA (854x480), 16:9 touchscreen
  • Arm Cortex A8 550 MHz Processor
  • 5-megapixel camera with dual-LED flash
  • DVD-quality video capture and playback (720x480)
  • 16GB microSD (32GB expandable)
  • 3.5mm headphone jack
  • QWERTY keyboard
  • 3G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS (with Google Maps Navigator)
  • 1400 mAh battery
  • 6 oz (169g)
  • 2.4 x 4.6 x.5 inches (60x115.80x13.70mm)
  • Android 2.0

If you're not interested in Google Maps Navigation, you should be. It's been one of the most requested features for Google Maps for quite some time and to finally have it in Android 2.0 is an absolute game changer. Just check out the stocks of standalone GPS makers like Garmin and TomTom.
Only the fact that it requires internet connection makes it less interesting than TOMTOM but that's my own opinion. If they can find an offline solution it will be a killer navigation app!

Apple has grabbed up 30% of the smartphone market

Apple has grabbed up 30% of the smartphone market with the iPhone, nearly twice the market share the device enjoyed this time last year. The info comes from a survey by ChangeWave research. The survey shows that the Blackberry is still the leader in the smartphone market for share at about 40%.

Apple is nearing the approval of over 100,000 apps for the App Store marking a significant milestone. That number makes the App Store by far and large the biggest of the app offerings on the market. By comparison, the much younger Android market has only 10,000 apps and the Blackberry App World has only 3,040.


The North Face Launches Updated Snow Report iPhone App

More and more retailers are using the iPhone to capture customer eyeballs outside of their shopping experience. Outdoor retailer The North Face is no exception, with the launch of their updated, Twitter-filled Snow Report 2.0 app today, giving skiers and snowboarders access to aggregated resort-specific Twitter updates, weather, and snow condition feeds.

While The North Face already had an iPhone Snow Report app, the new version adds the Twitter feeds, which they claim is the first to aggregate topical information and Twitter news feeds into one application. It also lets users Tweet their own updates directly from the application.

Of course, the app is designed to increase sales. It also includes a The North Face store locator. Meanwhile, specific ski resorts are on the iPhone app bandwagon to improve customer experience on and off the mountain. Jackson Hole recently developed an iPhone application, available early next month, that features their winter trail map with iPhone’s built-in GPS technology, locating the user by pinpointing his or her location on the ski resort’s trail map. Big Air Software, separately, is marketing its iTrailmap 3D, which pulls from a database of over 500 resort trail maps and records a snowboarder or skiers trails throughout the day.

Disney iPhone App Mixes Magic with Advertising

Disney’s new iPhone app, launched today, rewards users for checking out Disney.com. The company plans to eventually offer exclusive bonuses for shopping at Disney Stores. The necessary mobile push for Disney comes along with the company’s move to catch up with the times, with Apple’s Steve Jobs leading their in-store experience redesign efforts.

The app is free, and features a digital game called “Click2Life” where users must take photos of characters from Disney movies on its website, which make those images come to life on their phones. Capturing the correct images also unlocks exclusive video and downloadable content such as frame images that can be overlaid on photos and wallpaper for cell phone screens.

Smart play, Disney marketers. In the future, the app will likely feature clues inside Disney stores, and could allow bonus ontent to be delivered to phones based on their location.

Only 1% of iPhone Owners are Dissatisfied

Apple's incredible success in moving iPhones could be due to one statistic. According to pollster ChangeWave, a whopping 99% of iPhone users call themselves "satisfied" or "very satisfied" with their device. In fact, those reporting "very satisfied" made up 74% of respondents.

This blows away RIM, with only 43% of users reporting they are "very satisfied" with their BlackBerry. Apple has jumped from holding 17% of smartphone market share one year ago to 30% today. The iPhone is hot on RIM's heels, as the BlackBerry has 40% of the smartphone market.

Continental Airlines mobile ads more effective than online

Continental Airlines targets Hispanics with mobile

Ads within SMS alerts were effective in driving Hispanics to Continental's WAP site

Mobile Web Usage Keeps On Growing, And Growing, And Growing …

Browser maker Opera has released its latest ‘State of the Mobile Web’ report this morning, claiming that there was a huge surge in mobile web usage past September. Last month, more than 35.6 million people used Opera Mini (which is now serving over 500 million pageviews per day on average on a wide range of mobile devices), up 11.5% compared to August 2009 and more than 150% compared to September 2008. The Norway software developer also claims more than 2 petabytes of data is now processed by its servers on a monthly basis. That’d be 2,000 terabytes!!

Google Redefines GPS Navigation Landscape: Google Maps Navigation For Android 2.0

If you weren’t sure about switching to an Android phone in the near future, this might put you over the edge. Google Maps Navigation is an absolutely killer app. And it is only available for Android 2.0 phones.
Today is Droid day, and for the most part Google is taking a backseat and letting their partners get most of the attention. But Droid is the first Android phone to run Android 2.0, and Google Maps Navigation is clearly the early trophy app for those devices.
The features include easy search (no need for address), voice search, traffic information (from data sources and crowd sourced from app), and street view close up pictures when you get near your destination. And the car dock mode gives bigger, simpler icons and auto-voice mode


Volkswagen uses mobile (again) to announce new vehicle launch

“With the personalization of media and the challenges inherent with reaching constantly connected consumers, we challenged ourselves to rethink the way we launch vehicles in order to engage our consumers in a meaningful way,” said Charlie Taylor, general manager of digital marketing at Volkswagen of America, Herndon, VA.Volkswagen is no stranger to the mobile platform. The automaker recently launched a WAP site that acts sort of like a shopping assistant (see story). Volkswagen is also using 2D bar code technology to make its traditional printed media more interactive and engaging for consumers (see story). Mr. Taylor said that mobile devices help Volkswagen reach consumers in a more direct way.

Augmented reality set for major growth: ABI Research

Increasing smartphone capabilities will cause augmented reality to have a booming impact on the mobile platform, according to a new study from ABI Research. As advertisers leverage the augmented-reality platform more, ABI found that the technology is poised to grow from generating $6 million in revenue in 2008 to $350 million in 2014. ABI credits advanced smartphone capabilities such as video cameras, GPS data and compasses as key to unlocking the power of augmented-reality advertising.
“The key finding is that the augmented reality market will diversify into multiple markets, which will generate nearly $190 million in mobile applications, games and customized augmented-reality revenue, and nearly $170 million in mobile augmented-reality advertising revenue, by 2014,” said Larry Miller, research director of NextGen at ABI Research, Oyster Bay, New York. Augmented reality is the overlay of graphics onto a video stream or other real-time display. ABI Research provides analysis and forecasting of emerging worldwide trends.
ABI cites Apple’s iPhone and Google’s Android handsets as examples of smartphones opening up augmented reality to the mass marketplace.The study, “Augmented Reality: Adding Information to Our View of the World,” found that advertisers will learn to insert tags into navigation displays to increase revenue. The study calls for the development of global databases to store a variety of geo-tag information. That will be aggregated from information contributed from governments, businesses and individuals. Mr. Miller said that the most surprising finding of the study was the lack of companies involved with sports-related augmented reality. He said that the study found that only one company is providing augmented reality applications for televised sporting events. Those features include moving the first down line in football and the strike-zone animations in baseball.
“Augmented Reality is rooted in the concept of adding information to visual displays,” Mr. Miller said. “Digital marketing campaigns incorporating Web-based augmented reality graphics can add new dimensions to the kinds of content available for online advertising.“ For marketers to find success with augmented reality, the applications will have to offer better information, an intuitive user interface and other features that are not possible through existing applications. Mr. Miller said that augmented reality can also be used for mobile commerce. “Here’s one possibility: Imagine going into a store, aiming your smartphone’s camera at a product and having the display show not only the product, but competitive pricing at online venues,” Mr. Miller said. “Currently, mobile augmented reality applications require a smartphone or other handheld device with a camera, GPS and compass capabilities, as well as adequate processing power,” he said. “Augmented reality applications eventually will run the gamut of consumer interests.”

Check out IKEAs augmented reality; Finally an AR which is truly usefull!

Augmented Reality seams to be on everyone’s lips and so in the marketing department of Ikea. With the help of ClanMo, Ogivly and Mindmatic, Ikea created a mobile application that is a portable interior-planning tool. What I like about this approach is that it gives consumers a true value. Now they can try and see for themselves how the furniture’s look in their living rooms before they buy them.

IKEA distributed the application through in-store poster urging consumers to text a number in order to get the application, on the internet through IKEAs website, and with the help of Bluetooth pillars inside the outlets beaming the application to the consumers.

I think this is a great concept. What I don’t understand is the limit some advertisers put on the concept they have created? I have had trouble finding this application and am under the impression that it was limited to the country were the campaign ran. Would be smart to post the content created on the forums for mobile content around the world to get a huge spread. You can read more about the case at theclanmo webpage.


Create and order personalized Nike sneakers straight from your iPhone

This free app (iTunes link) has been available on the App Store since the beginning of this month, but surprisingly there hasn’t been a lot of coverage about it. Even despite this excellent video about it (embedded below).
This application allows you to select flashy looking sneakers that were custom designed by others and purchase them straight away, but there’s a lot more to it than that. For instance, you can dive into your photo library and select any image, after which the NIKEiD iPhone app will automatically detect which colors are in them and let you choose two for your own custom shoe. Or you can just use the Color Picker to select two colors you like.
Evidently, you can filter the results even more based on your specific needs (e.g. only shoes for men, unisex basketball clothing, etc.). Using the My Locker feature you can also save your favorite designs and access those you’ve customized on the NIKEiD website. Once you’ve selected a custom design you like, you can shake your iPhone to shuffle the colors, but you also get some options to genuinely personalize sneakers with your name, a custom logo or whatever you like.
Did I mention you can buy designs straight from the app? Kudos, Nike, kudos.


Will iPhone 4.0 Include Apple's Latest Patents?

Apple has been prolific in the patent department lately, especially when it comes to patents that relate to the iPhone and iPod Touch. The latest filing shows a process that would allow someone on a phone call to send files to the other party without ending the call or leaving the phone app. The iPhone would automatically determine where to send the files based on the contact information of the person connected. Even if multiple parties are in a conference call, the person sending documents, emails, contacts or text messages could send this data in one step while still connected to any of the participants.

Peter Henry Mahowald receives credit as the inventor in Apple's patent filing. Although this sounds like a useful feature, there are even more recently discovered patents that could make their way onto the next generation iPhone. We recently reported that future iPhones may record consumer abuse events for later diagnostics by Apple. By recording when devices are dropped hard or placed in temperature settings that are too high or too low for proper operation, the company can prove a device was abused. This patent describes the device automatically shutting down when a dangerous condition exists or if the iPhone can no longer operate to protect against further damage. Another recent patent filing would automatically switch to speakerphone if the sensors detect that the iPhone is laying flat and still on a table, for example.
Future iPhones may also allow users to share music or other media while on a call. 
These patents feature interactive playback control even while connected to the other party. As usual, Apple engineers must have their work cut out for them. No telling exactly which patents will make it into the next generation device.

The upcoming Motorola Droid is getting hyped

The marketing campaign for the upcoming Motorola Droid is in full swing, with the new phone looking to be both the definitive Android handset and a genuine challenger to the iPhone.
Following a fairly vicious attack on the iPhone through the launch of the “DroidDoes” ad campaign, which essentially calls out all of the iPhone’s shortcomings, an associated mail marketing campaign has also been launched for the device. The message? Droid is omnipotent, scary and has night vision, at least according to this messaging: “It hears, It knows / Fast. Scary fast / It sees in the dark.” The promotional mails form part of a campaign that’s actually building some palpable excitement within the geek community: the kind of excitement usually reserved for products built in Cupertino. Is Judgment Day fast approaching for the iPhone? We’ll know at the end of this month.

View my WordPress Adds Themes Optimized for Mobile

According to WordPress, there are more than 60 million page views that come from mobile phones per month for WordPress.com blogs. With that kind of traffic, how your site renders on mobile devices could be a big boon to increasing engagement.
That’s why we’re excited to learn thatWordPress has just launched two new mobile themes for WordPress.com blogs that will be automatically displayed when a compatible mobile phone attempts to access your site.

Mobile Web Is Taking Over the World (and Other Internet Trends)

Mobile Internet usage is sharply on the rise in the USA and all over the world. Apple’s share of the mobile smartphone market is only going to increase. AT&T’s mobile data traffic has increased by 4,932% over the last three years. There will be over 1 billion “heavy mobile data users” by 2013.
These are just some of the stats that were shared with the audience at the Web 2.0 Summit today in San Francisco. Morgan Stanley analyst Mary Meeker led a speedy and high-charged presentation over Internet trends. The data and stats packed in her 68 page presentation is nothing short of mind-boggling. In an interview with the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Google CEO Eric Schmidt said that the next major growth wave for Google in terms of search engine marketing is the mobile Internet. He predicted that within a few years, mobile advertising would generate more revenue than advertising on today's web.

WinMo 7 vs. WinMo 6.5, will it surprise us??

Though we certainly made an effort, we just don’t play well with Windows Mobile 6.5. With that said, we really do (honestly!) hope that Windows Mobile 7 comes and blows our minds. I have my strong doubts but they can prove otherwise. Though we’re still almost completely in the dark when it comes to WinMo 7 details, WMExperts has managed to shed an inkling of light on the subject.


Frito-Lay's Cheetos places 2D bar codes on packaging

The Frito-Lay subsidiary in Mexico called Sabritas is now using a 2D bar code on a special Halloween version of Cheetos packages to engage consumers. The code is placed on the Cheetos package and links to free branded wallpapers. Scanbuy is making it possible for Mexicans to scan the code using a mobile application called Códigos Ideas, which is widely distributed on Telcel handsets.

“2D bar codes give Sabritas a very engaging way to deliver branded content right to the phone,” said Jonathan Bulkeley, CEO of Scanbuy, New York. "The code effectively mobilizes a physical object, like a package, in a very simple way for the consumer.”
Cheetos isn’t the only brand using 2D bar codes on packaging. Major marketers like Coca-Cola and Nike have seen good results with the Scanbuy technology in Mexico. Bissell, floor-care innovator and maker of home-cleaning products, has placed EZcodes across an entire line of vacuum cleaners which are sold by retailers nationwide.
The codes link to additional information on the product to help inform shoppers in the store.“Often times, a company will invest in mobilizing their content, but then have difficulty driving traffic to it,” Mr. Bulkeley said. “The visibility of the 2D code makes it easier for people to get to that content in seconds.

Vicrea’s Browser as upcoming city tour alternative for Layar

Vicrea is a Dutch corporation, and the next video shows a concept augmented reality application they are developing. They should really just ask Layar to give them a branded version. I understand you don't want the layar brand on your application with certain services but make it more appealing then instead of a bad copy-paste. More information, here, in Dutch.

Air Painter: Augmented reality for the android Graffiti taggers!

It's similar to geoPaste, an Android application that lets you draw on real-life. Air Painter is a Japanese Android application with a similar premise, though its user interface seems a bit more refined, as can be seen in the video below (don’t worry about the German, you don’t have to understand it to see how cool this application is). More information on AirPainter’s hompeage, and here’s another video.